Sunday, September 16, 2007

Teaching is powerful learning!

Last week I was facilitating a session about designing effective learning experiences for the Council of Europe. I struck me how much I'm learning from the teaching itself. Even after 10 years of teaching and presenting it is so much fun to do it! And every time I'm picking up new insights because of the interaction with participants. Every time I find some aspects that can be improved the next time. Teaching and presenting is like playing a game. While playing you find the nuances in the rules and you like the game even more than before.

What I also realised was the fact that 'learning' is so personal that you can touch people when you are talking about learning. I did the 'close your eyes' exercise again and I was impressed by the outcomes again. WOW. It is relative easy to create an engaging experience when the subject is 'learning'.

Maybe we have to use teaching as a didactical form(at) more often. Teaching is learning and is remembering. You cannot teach if you don't understand the essence of the subject. Doing a presentation forces you to perform to your limits.

The next months I'm presenting a few public sessions, so feel free to join me and let's learn together!

At Learning 2007, the e-Learning congress organized by the Masie Center, I will host a session with the title: "e-Learning For A Worldwide Audience". In this session I will talk together with my colleague Erika Spoelma, about the cultural aspects that have to be taken into account when you are designing for a multicultural audience. Learning 2007 will be held from 21-24 October in Disneyworld, Orlando, Florida. More details on their website.

At the National e-Learning Congress I will facilitate a session about how to create powerful learning experiences. The three hours workshop will be held at 24 of January (see for details the website).

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